Mindset to Win- 7 Simple but Powerful Mindsets for Success
Mindset to Win- 7 Simple but Powerful Mindsets for Success that you can adopt to live your life to the fullest.
What does it actually take to achieve success?
Every one of us wonders why some people become successful in their life while others just watch them do it.
What makes these people different? Is it their hard work? Or intelligence? Or is it simply good luck that they get to have their own way in life?
We love speculating about the reasons based on our observations and experiences, but they might not always be true. Truth is, successful people have a different way of thinking- a different mindset that takes them forward in life. Here are 7 scientifically proven mindsets to win- how successful people think- that you can adopt to ace in your life.
1. Engage in Meaningful Work
“He whose life has a why can bear almost any how.”
— Jordan Peterson
A simple yet powerful mindset to win is finding meaning in your work. When it comes to your work life, getting results is simply not enough. You have to believe that the work you’re doing is actually meaningful. Engaging in meaningful work allows you to
- Be more responsible towards your work
- Be more willing to go above and beyond the call of duty
- Be more likely to stay motivated
- Have greater job satisfaction, motivation, and engagement
So if you want to be successful in your career, you have to build a career for yourself that provides you with a sense of meaning along with other benefits.
Related: 9 Productive Things to Do When You’re Bored Out of Your Mind
2. Nurture a Growth Mindset
“It’s not that I’m so smart, it’s just that I stay with problems longer.”
— Albert Einstein
Our beliefs about ourselves define our goals. The power of growth mindset was introduced to the world by American psychologist Carol Dweck in her international bestseller “Mindset: The New Psychology of Success”. In her book, she compares two mindsets: one she calls fixed mindset- the belief that talent and intelligence are fixed and cannot be developed. They feel their mistakes are due to a lack of natural ability which is why they do not welcome negative feedback and quit as soon as they face a setback.
People with a growth mindset, on the other hand, firmly believe they can improve with effort and practice. They are more likely to take risks and view mistakes as learning opportunities. They welcome criticism as a source of self-improvement. Such people are more likely to get ahead in life and achieve success. In other words, growth mindset is the mindset to win.
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3. The Expert Supremacy
Successful people are usually experts in their field. The question is, how does one become an expert? What is it that experts do that sets apart an expert from a nonexpert?
Well, the answer is simple: experts are adept in their field because of two things.
They have more knowledge
They have superior skills
Both these qualities come with time and practice. Experts learn something and practice it long enough to put it into their long-term memory. The more the knowledge and experience, the more automatic your skills become. This is because practice causes actual physical changes in your brain that are not usually found in those of non-experts.
For instance, in a study, expert London cab drivers were found to have larger posterior hippocampus- the brain part involved in memory and spatial navigation. On the other hand, drivers who relied on GPS to steer their way had a smaller hippocampus. You see, your brain adapts to what you do every day. If you practice consistently you will eventually grow to become a natural. That is why experts seem so natural at what they do- they’ve put in years of practice. However, keep in mind that the practice needs to be attentive, and mindful practice. It’s both the quality and quantity of practice that matters.
4. The Conscientiousness Dimension
You might have heard about the famous Stanford Marshmallow experiments. In these experiments, the researchers offer children a marshmallow and give them two options: either to eat the marshmallow right now, or wait for a few minutes to get another marshmallow. What the team discovered was that children who showed delayed gratification (that is, wait to get another marshmallow) were more successful later in life, with greater achievement in academics and other areas of life.
“The successful among us delay gratification and bargain with the future.”
—Jordan Peterson
The delayed gratification trait is one of the character traits of the conscientious personality type. Additionally, conscientious people are more
- Achievement and goal-oriented
- ·Self-motivated and reliable
- Put together and organized
- Careful and follow rules where necessary
- Having a strong sense of duty and integrity
It has been seen that conscientious people are more likely to succeed in life as they eat healthy, exercise, engage in safe hobbies, don’t abuse substances, and are generally committed to their work. Consciousness is a compelling mindset to win.
5. The Grit Factor
“as much as talent counts, effort counts twice.”
― Angela Duckworth, Grit
We all grew up hearing quotes like ‘if at first, you don’t succeed, try, try again!’ that emphasize how passion and perseverance are needed to be successful. Well, turns out they’re scientifically correct. Psychologist Angela Duckworth used research to prove these traits as essential for a successful life. She termed these collectively as grit– the passion and perseverance towards a long-term goal. She proved that sticking to your goals is important, even if you may not be seeing results initially.
In her studies, she found that people who call it quits after facing setbacks do not lead a successful life. On the other hand, people who view failures and rejections as a motivation to improve their performance towards their goal rather than quitting are more likely to be successful. So, instead of looking for new ventures to embark on whenever you face a failure, try learning from your mistakes and make a stronger comeback.
6. The Social Capital Investment
“The richest people in the world look for and build networks, everyone else looks for work. Marinate on that for a minute.”
— Robert Kiyosaki
When it comes to the type of ‘capital’ you need to set out on your success journey, most people think of financial and physical resources as the key to achievement. However, truth is, your social capital matters a lot more than that. In order to be successful, you must have the ability to cultivate supportive relationships- otherwise known as networking. It helps you expand your knowledge, information, contacts, and opportunities. People who invest in their social capital add value not only to their own selves but to the organizations they work in. Such people are more likely to
- Get paid more for being valuable members of the organization
And are generally happier and healthier as social relationships buffer stress.
So if you are looking to step up that career ladder, you need to get out there and invest in your social capital.
A networking mindset is a winning mindset.
7. Self-awareness and Personal Branding
“Your visions will become clear only when you can look into your own heart. Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes.”
― C.G. Jung
Getting to know and understand yourself, and being able to market that to the world can set you on the path to success. Self-awareness is a tricky business, but once you attain it, it helps you go a long way.
Read more on how you can build your personal brand here:
Knowing your values helps you make your decisions.
Knowing your strengths and weaknesses helps you develop your abilities and overcome limitations.
Knowing your triggers helps you manage yourself in stressful situations.
It is a known fact that leaders who are self-aware are more high performing and achieve their goals. Companies that have self-aware employees perform better.
Successful people utilize their self-awareness to create their personal brand. Every one of us has a brand of what people think of us. Remember, you need to proactively create your brand if you want to remain in the competitive market. Creating your brand is a way of clarifying your values, aspirations, character, expertise, and how you bring value. Let people know where and how you can make contributions. Present yourself as a valuable person so you can get ahead in life.